Elite Strom Beds
Elite Strom
/ Product Visualization, Mass Digitization, 3D Product Configurators

Client | Elite Strom
Product | Beds
Elite Strom's Digital Tranformation
Large Scale Content Creation
The Request: Elite Strom is a leading company in the manufacturing and distribution of beds. Presenting an expanding range of designs and fabrics for headboards, bases, legs, and mattresses became an increasingly complex task, making traditional product photography more challenging. They needed a way to reduce the cost of manufacturing all the parts in various color options and streamline the process in a photographic studio, involving significant expenses and time.
Our Solution: We digitized 18 headboards and 4 bases that could be customized with 4 fabric categories in 10 different colors. Also we digitized 11 legs, some of which were available in 2 different woods. Subsequently, we created realistic studio images for print and digital applications, while designing bedrooms interiors in various decorative styles for the company’s catalogs.
Later, leveraging the 3D models, we developed the first 3D interactive configurator in Greece, enabling users to assemble their bed according to their personal preferences and view the result from all angles.
The Result
• Complete replacement of product photography
• Creating bedrooms without the need to find locations, produce physical products, and transport them
• Consistency and homogeneity in product visuals, both in image quality and aesthetics
• Cost-effective utilization of the marketing budget
• All requires visual assets are now produced in CG for their catalog, website, and third-party distributors.

3D Product Configurator
/ Tailoring Your Ideal Bed with Elite Strom
/ 3D Illustrations