WiFi OnBoard, Lounge

Aegean Airlines

/ Video Production, 3D Illustrations

Client | Aegean Airlines

Product | WiFi On Board

Agency | The Newtons Laboratory

Photography / Videography | P. Zervos

VFX Production | CGWorks

Compositing & Video Post Production | CGWorks

Music supervision & Sound design | Rabbeats Music

Voice Over | G. Garefalakis

Print Post Production | T. Ferentinou

Decoding the Project

Exploring the Purpose and Scope

The Aegean WiFi Onboard offers you speeds similar to what you are accustomed to at home or in your office. Now you can stay connected with your friends, colleagues, or favorite applications even during the flight.


It’s a 360 campaign for Aegean’s onboard Wi-Fi, featuring a trilogy of video and print materials that cover various advertising media such as OOH, print, TVC, digital, and more.

Unveiling the Creative Journey

/ Breathing Life into Imagination

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